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Tag: relax

Recovery: How Does it Really Work?

Recovery helps athletes more than you know. This year, Greenville's football team has focused more on the recovery process of their athletes, keeping them...

Post Spring Break

Welcome back from Spring Break! I’m sure everyone had a fun and relaxing break off of school. Hear some GU students sharing what they...

The Art of Doing Nothing

The art of doing nothing is a long lasting tradition. Having been passed down generation to generation, it has lineage back to the dawn...

Take a Break

Written by Amber Wibbenmeyer. Media by Kelsey Middleton. College can be among the busiest and most stressful times for any person. This could be the case...

The Reward of Rest

Written and Media by Maggie Schoepke. "Sleep is for the weak." "I don't need rest; I need caffeine." If you have been around the Greenville campus...

Spring Break for YOU

Written by Magan Burns. Media by Baylen Whitfield. Spring break is just around the corner, and the time has come to plan out your...

The Perks of Being a Misunderstood Control Freak

Written by Maci Sepp. Media by Jack Wang. I depend on my doctor for a lot of things.  I go to her for checkups and...

Stay Calm & Drink On: Confessions of a Tea Fanatic

So, I have something of a confession to make: I do not like coffee. I do really try to like it. I know the caffeine would be useful to me as a student, and it’s easy to find just about anywhere you go… but I just don’t like it. And God forbid you give me iced tea. Tea’s not meant to be iced!