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Tag: xbox

Most Anticipated Games in 2020: Part 2

Video games are definitely an avenue many are using to pass by time during this pandemic. Many are out and coming soon to be...

Most Anticipated Games in 2020: Part 1

Have you run out of new games to play? No need to worry, here are some upcoming new games you should give the time...

Dragon Ball FighterZ: Who Do We Need Now?

The time has come for another season of Dragon Ball FighterZ. That means FighterZ Pass 3 with brand new content. The announcement trailer was...

Michael Holmes the Esports Gamer

Michael Holmes is a junior from Wright City, Missouri which is a small town with about 3,500 people in it. "When making a decision...


Gaming is a large aspect of our culture in today's society. It has been growing at a rapid pace to the point there are...

Throwback Video Games & Gaming Affects on Children | What’s The...

"Do you feel video games are ruining children's childhood?" Eric Williams and Rakim Murphy throw it back with their favorite childhood gaming consoles and video games. Later, they discuss...

Nintendo 64 Throwback Thursday

Written by Rebecca Oldham. Media by Rebekah Dothager. Growing up we can all remember the different games that we played, whether it was a card...

First Thoughts Of Titanfall: Hands On With The Beta

Between the dates of February 14th and 19th around 2million people came together to do one thing, play the beta for Titanfall. If you don’t know what Titanfall is, then you really need to catch up with your entertainment news. Created by the same minds that brought us Medal of Honor:Allied Assault, Call of Duty 1, 2, 4, and Modern Warfare 2, comes the next innovative first person shooter.

Console War Gripes

Once upon a time a man invented the internet. Everybody thought that the internet was going to be this wonderful place of discovery, a place that people would come together and solve the worlds problems. Sadly, that future never came. The purpose of the internet is seemingly to breed trolls and create debating grounds, if you can even call them debates. And lately there is one debate that has ruled the front page of the internet. The console wars.